has been a debilitating disorder. My life has decreased dramatically within the past 2 ½ years. I never knew that my life could change so fast after giving birth to my son.
It all started when my son was 6 months. Standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner when all I began to feel dizzy, lightheaded, my hearing left, I felt my heart pounding in my chest and all of a sudden I found myself lying on the floor, helpless. It was just my kids and I at our home; I immediately gathered them and had my neighbor take me to the hospital. When I arrived my blood pressure was high and so was my heart rate. The E.R doctor listened to my heart and said that I had abnormal palpitations and referred me to theCardiology Center in my hometown.
At my appointment the cardiologist did an echocardiogram and a Tilt Table Test. Even though I did not pass out during my TTT my blood pressure dropped as in 15 minutes as low as 54/30 and my heart rate was about 128. The nurse lowered me down and administered saline through an I.V. The doctor came in and said well everything looks fine. You don’t have a heart condition and he told me not to come back to see him unless I passed out again. Really??? Two weeks after having those test ran I passed out again.
I knew something was wrong with me, I felt it. I felt disconnected from my own body. I had enough of the sorry doctors around my area and did something for myself. I called an electro cardiologist and made an appointment to see him. After that appointment I found out that the lower chamber of my heart was enlarged, my arteries where thickened, and I told him all of my symptoms. He looked over my TTT and diagnosed me with POTS which is a Dysautonomia Disorder.
I am currently scheduled to see a specialist in Texas in November, Dr.Amer Suleman. There aren't any Doctors in my state who deal with Dyautonomia disorders in my area and dozens more have no idea what it even is. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is a rare disorder and it is life changing. I didn’t know that 38 letter word would change the rest of my life. I struggle everyday doing basic things that I use to take for granted. I am judged constantly just because I do not look sick.